Handbook (English)
The vision of Eakin Elementary School is to produce contributing, responsible, caring citizens who are academically and technologically competent in a globally competitive society. We want to assure academic and personal success for each child regardless of race, economic background, or language.
The Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Parents of Eakin Elementary School believe that:
* Students must be provided with an environment that is safe and secure.
* All students will know and apply the Eakin Life Rules. They are: Be respectful, Be responsible, Be ready.
* Fair and consistent enforcement of school-wide policies and procedures creates an environment in which student learning is the main focus.
* A well-trained staff serving under a qualified leader is necessary for effective learning.
* Character building, social skills, and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong heighten successful academic achievement.
* Encouraging acceptance of cultural and economic differences will prepare students for living in today's diverse society.
* Data gathered from a variety of assessments such as TNReady, a Universal Screener, formal and informal assessments, portfolios, and journaling will aid teachers in making instructional decisions to individualize learning and provide student success.
* Research-based instructional strategies using a variety of materials and teaching styles help lead to success for all students.
* Student learning is enhanced through consistent and varied communication between parents, teachers, and students.
If your child is allergic to food, bee stings, medications, etc., please be sure that the nurse, teacher, food services manager, and principal are aware of the situation. A written doctor's diet prescription must be on file for food allergies to be accommodated in the cafeteria. The sheet that the doctor fills out can be obtained from the nurse.
Regular school hours are from 7:30 A.M. until 2:30 P.M.
School doors will open at 7:00 A.M. If you need childcare before 7:00 A.M., School Age Childcare is available in the building. Please call 931-684-8646. At this time, students will sit in the hall outside their classroom. At 7:15, the students will go into class to eat breakfast. Please do not walk your child to their classroom. We have hallway monitors and assistants available to help children get to their area if they are unsure of the route.
The instructional day ends at 2:30 P.M. Students may not be signed out or receive transportation changes after 1:50 P.M. (unless it is an emergency). At 2:27 P.M. - Only school bus riders will be dismissed. 2:35 P.M. - Walkers and car riders will be dismissed. Students must be picked up by 2:45 P.M. School Age Childcare is available, if needed; call 931-684-8646.
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement; therefore, students are expected to be present each day that school is in session. Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal or his/her designee.
Excused absences shall include:
1. Personal illness, 4. Extreme weather conditions,
2. Illness of immediate family member, 5. Religious observances, or
3. Death in the family, 6. Circumstances deemed as an emergency by the principal
Truancy is defined as an unexcused absence for an entire school day, a major portion of the school day or the major portion of any class, or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled.
Students participating in school-sponsored activities either on- or off-campus will not be counted absent. In order to qualify as "school sponsored," the activity must be school-planned, school-directed, and teacher-supervised.
Following five (5) absences without adequate excuse, a student's parent or guardian shall be notified in writing of the Bedford County Attendance Policy by an official of the school system and a meeting will be held to work on a plan for attendance. A copy of the notification shall be filed with the attendance supervisor, and a copy kept on file at school. Five tardies or five early check-outs or a combination of the two will result in an absence and will be subject to the above procedures.
All schools will issue excused and unexcused absences in accordance with school policy. An excused absence permits the student to make up schoolwork, at the teacher's discretion, within five (5) days of returning to school. An unexcused absence denies a student the privilege of completing these assignments. It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to get the make-up assignments.
Any student who exceeds fifteen (15) absences per school year, without adequate excuse, may be denied credit. School officials are permitted to require a physician's verification to substantiate an illness. Adequate excuse is generally interpreted as having medical verification or exemplary hardship. Hardship cases may be referred to the Attendance Supervisor at the district office.
An administrative decision regarding attendance may be appealed initially to the superintendent and ultimately to the Board. The appeal shall be made in writing to the superintendent within five (5) school days following the action or the report of the action, whichever is later.
Students returning after an absence must obtain an admit slip from the office before the school day begins. A teacher or staff member will write notes in the reception area.
The student must have a note from the parent/guardian with the following information:
1. Student's full name,
2. Date of absence,
3. Reason for absence,
4. Parent/guardian's signature,
5. Telephone number where parent/guardian can be reached.
The student will be given an admit slip marked excused or unexcused using the guidelines in the BCBOE Attendance Policy. Students will be allowed to make up work in accordance with the same policy. School officials will check the validity of any questionable note. Any absence or checkout note that cannot be verified will not be accepted.
Only parents or legal guardians may authorize a student to leave school during the school day. A parent wishing to personally check a student out during the day must come to the office with their identification and sign the student out. Students will then be called to the office. Teachers are not to release a student from a classroom until notified by the office. Checkout slips will be marked excused or unexcused in accordance with BCBOE Attendance Policy.
If there is a question of legal custody, the school reserves the right to require proof of custody before releasing a student. Check out by phone will only be allowed in cases of emergency. A school official must speak personally with the parent or guardian before the student will be released. Work missed while a student is checked-out is subject to the same rules as regular absences. Checkouts affect the student's attendance record. Please note that absences for Perfect Attendance Awards are calculated by minutes missed. No checkouts after 1:50 P.M. unless it is an emergency.
All students are expected to arrive at school before 7:25 A.M. Any student arriving after 7:25 A.M. must sign in through the office. Students with excessive tardies will be sent a letter at five (5) days. The student must have a tardy slip from the office to be admitted to class. Work missed due to tardiness can affect a student's grade. Also, the first minutes of the school day set the tone for the day, directions and schedules are given, and students begin work. The arrival of a tardy student disturbs the entire class.
Eakin Elementary School reserves the right to request verification of address during the school year to determine student residence in the Eakin Elementary School zone.
Our cafeteria is a part of our entire educational process. While it meets the basic needs of each student, it also teaches nutrition through a well-planned, nutritional menu. For the 2018-2019 school year, Bedford County School Nutrition will participate in a program which allows ALL students to be served a reimbursable meal at NO CHARGE regardless of economic status. ALL students will be able to receive on reimbursable breakfast and one reimbursable lunch daily at NO CHARGE. A reimbursable meal consists of at least three meal components- with at least one component being a serving of fruit and/or vegetable. Students wishing to purchase extra items (a la carte) and/or items not included in a reimbursable meal may do so in the cafeteria with cash or from their prepaid cafeteria account. Charges for a la carte items are NOT allowed.
If your child brings his/her lunch to school, please plan lunches that do not have to be reheated. Children may not use the microwave oven in the cafeteria. Milk may be purchased separately for those carrying a sack lunch. Students may not bring bottled or canned carbonated drinks to school. Food from outside vendors may not be brought to school for students to eat in the cafeteria.
Students with medical or religious dietary restrictions may be allowed some substitutions in the lunch line or may bring their lunches. Please bring a written statement of these restrictions to the office and/or teacher.
We welcome parents and grandparents to eat lunch with their children, but please do not bring fast food items to school for you or your child to eat. This is in direct violation of school policy and in conflict with the school lunch program. Please notify your child's teacher when you plan to eat so we will have an accurate lunch count.
Lunch: Pre-K - 5 Free due to grant Visitors: $5.00 Breakfast: PreK - 5 Free due to district grant Visitors: $3.00
The cafeteria staff and your fellow students appreciate your cooperation in the following areas.
1. Deposit all lunch litter in wastebaskets. 6. Return all trays and utensils to the dishwashing area.
2. Leave the table and floor around your seat clean. 7. Do not remove food and drink from the cafeteria.
3. Control excessive noise in the cafeteria. It creates an uncomfortable atmosphere for others and will not be tolerated.
4. Sit in your assigned areas and do not visit other students in other areas of the cafeteria. Special seating arrangements, restricted privileges, and discipline procedures will be used in cases of cafeteria misconduct.
5. Commercial, fast food lunches and/or beverages are not permitted.
We know that students learn self-discipline by working out problems either by themselves or with adult guidance. We also know that students are more likely to practice their positive social skills when they are given personal responsibility for their behavior. It is important to deal with behavior problems in an appropriate and consistent manner. The faculty of Eakin has adopted a school-wide set of rules that everyone at Eakin is expected to follow. Parents are encouraged to reinforce these rules at home.
Eakin Elementary has a school-wide behavior program (RTI2-B). Students who make major or repeated inappropriate choices will receive an Office Discipline Referral (ODR). Parents are asked to sign these and send them back to school. Parents/Guardians are to sign the agenda or folder every night. This ensures daily communication between school and home. All students are expected to behave in a respectful and orderly manner while at school. Our staff monitors behavior in the hall, cafeteria, assemblies, and at other school activities. Raising expectations for student behavior can improve each child's experiences in our school. The staff continues to take a major role in facilitating good behavior and cooperation among students. Our students, staff, and parents should have a great amount of pride in our school. When we work together as a team, we have few problems.
Eakin's faculty uses many approaches and techniques in dealing with discipline problems. These may include work detail, in-school suspension (ISS), early pick-up, and/or isolation. Parents, students, and school staff must assume the responsibility for appropriate behavior in school. The principal will follow-up on major behavior problems at school. In most situations, the parents will be contacted when major problems occur. Students may be suspended from school, at which time appropriate consequences will need to be implemented at home. Some occasions may necessitate contacting the authorities.
Any student bullying, harassing (sexually or otherwise), threatening, or attacking another student will be disciplined appropriately.
The Bedford County Board of Education has adopted a Student Code of Discipline and Behavior, available upon request in the principal's office, including zero tolerance for several offenses. These violations carry an automatic one full calendar year of school expulsion:
Dangerous Weapons - Students shall not possess, handle, or attempt to use any weapon at school or on school property or in school vehicles and/or buses or at school events.
Drugs - Students will not possess, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs in school buildings or on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off grounds.
Battery - Any student committing battery upon any teacher, principal, administrator, or any other employee will be expelled for one full year.
Care of School Property (Policy 6.311) - Students shall help maintain the school environment, preserve school property, and exercise care while using school facilities. Students who damage school property must pay for the cost of repair or replacement of the property.
School closings due to inclement weather are occasionally necessary. In the event of an emergency closing, students should leave only with a parent/guardian unless there is written or verbal approval from the parent. A form will be provided to confirm these arrangements. If weather conditions cause a change in the regular school day, the revised schedule is announced over the local radio and television stations. Please help us keep the telephone lines open on these occasions in case of emergency. Teachers will follow the information provided by parents/guardians on the blue emergency dismissal card. Be sure to update your information if anything changes.
Field trips are an extension of the classroom, and school behavior rules apply. Teachers arrange field trips as opportunities arise. Students are responsible for the costs of field trips. Some field trip costs are prepaid and may not be refundable even if the child cannot attend. Parents not wishing for their child to attend must send a letter to that effect to the teacher. All field trip money must be in an envelope labeled with the child's name and teacher. Parent chaperones may be invited on field trips. Siblings are not permitted.
Emergency drills will be conducted on an irregular basis throughout the school year. Please assure your child that these are for his/her safety and should not cause alarm. Fire, tornado, evacuation, and lock-down drills will be practiced.
Eakin will follow the Bedford County Board of Education Policy 604031 for re-admittance.
1. If a teacher or a staff member suspects or detects head lice infestation of a student, the student shall be referred to the office.
2. Upon confirmation of lice, the student's parent or guardian shall be notified. If students are checked out, they will receive an excused check out.
3. The parent or guardian shall be given a letter explaining the requirements for admission and the deadlines for satisfactory completion of treatment.
4. Students should be back in school the day after notification of lice is given.
5. Excessive absenteeism for failure to comply with the established BCBOE policy will result in appropriate legal action.
Guidance services are available to students at Eakin Elementary School through the guidance office. All classes will have a thirty-minute, regularly scheduled lesson with the guidance counselor bimonthly. Students are welcome to visit the guidance counselor at other available times after the classroom teacher has made prior arrangements with the counselor for such a visit. Parents may also make appointments to meet with the counselor to discuss their child's records, progress, concerns, etc.
Students visit the library on a regular schedule and during open checkout times. The library is not open at other times. Students are permitted to check out books for a week. Books must be returned on the scheduled date in order to have the privilege of checking out more books. Lost books must be paid for at replacement value. This obligation must be paid before a student receives a final report card and participates in field day. Please help your child develop responsible habits by returning books promptly.
If a student is on medication, parents must bring the medication to school in a labeled bottle from the pharmacy. An authorization form will be filled out and signed before medication can be dispensed at school. Under no circumstances should a student carry medicine to or from school. MEDICINE WILL NOT BE ADMINISTERED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. If, under exceptional circumstances, a child is required to take oral medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the office staff or the principal's designee will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow.
Written instructions signed by the parent will be required and will include:
1. Child's name, 5. Dosage,
2. Name of medication, 6. Possible side effects,
3. Name of physician, 7. Termination date for administering the medication
4. Time to be administered
A school medical form must be signed and on file in the office before non-prescription treatments can be administered. All non-prescription medication must be brought to school in the original manufacturer's labeled container with the ingredients listed and the child's name affixed to the container. No medication, prescription or otherwise, will be dispensed without the proper signatures. If your child needs Tylenol or any other non-prescription medicine at school, it must be provided by the parent/guardian, and the appropriate forms must be signed. The school will not provide any medications (such as Tylenol or cough drops).
There are two regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences held during the school year. All parents are expected to attend the fall conferences. Spring conference appointments are set at the request of the teacher or the parent. You are encouraged to attend these conferences to
discuss your child's progress. Additional conferences may be held during the year either at the request of the teacher or the parent. If you would like a conference with your child's teacher, please call the school to set up an appointment.
The PTO helps Eakin Elementary School through special projects and by purchasing instructional materials and equipment for the school that we would otherwise not be able to purchase. Your support and participation in PTO is needed. You will be asked at the beginning of the year to join PTO, and you are urged to attend the meetings and to have a voice in the organization.
Student promotion at Eakin follows the guidelines set forth by Bedford County Board of Education Policy 4.603.
Grading scale for 1st through 5th grades are: A: 93-100, B: 85-92, C: 75-84, D: 70-74, F: Below 69. Report cards are issued every nine weeks. Parents should study the report card carefully, and, if a conference is indicated, phone the school for an appointment with the teacher. Any report cards not picked up at the end of the year will be available in the office for one week following school closing. Teachers will weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within the nine-week period in computing grades for each student. Grades will be determined from daily work, written assignments, projects, class participation, homework, effort, and tests.
The room fee that you are asked to pay covers only workbooks and other instructional materials. All other supplies such as pencils, crayons, paper, etc. must be supplied by the parents. Please see that your child is kept supplied throughout the school year. Only students who have applied for and qualified for a fee waiver are exempt from paying room fees.
If your child requires day care before 7:00 A.M. or after 2:45 P.M., contact the School-Age Childcare Program at 684-8646. A fee is charged for this service.
Parents will be provided a school calendar at the beginning of the year. The school calendar is approved by the Bedford County School Board and is only subject to change by the BCBOE. The school calendar can be affected by unforeseen circumstances. A school day missed for reasons other than inclement weather must be rescheduled in the calendar at a later date.
Eakin Elementary School has special services in resource, speech and hearing, guidance, special education, and Title I. Referrals may come from parents and/or teachers. If your child is new to Bedford County Schools and received special services previously, please contact the school office. If an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is issued or an annual meeting is set, parents/guardians must attend. Educational decisions will be made by the team present.
Students will be permitted to use the telephone only in cases of emergency. Students may not use the telephone without their teacher's permission. Transportation changes, scout meetings, ball practice schedules, and all personal messages should be handled before school. In case of an emergency, we will make every effort to deliver phone messages to the student. If a parent must call with a message, please do so before 1:50 P.M.
Teachers will not be called from the classroom to answer the telephone except for an emergency. Teachers will return calls at their earliest opportunity.
Students are not permitted to use cell phones at school.
Textbooks are provided by the Bedford County Board of Education and are expected to be returned in the condition in which they were received. Parents/Guardians will be held responsible for replacement costs if the book is damaged or lost.
Students riding the school bus must obey the rules and directions of the bus driver. The bus driver has a great responsibility in the safety and welfare of the children on the bus. Please remember that riding the school bus is a privilege- not a right- and that the privilege can be taken away if a child does not behave appropriately. Failure to obey the rules or to cooperate with the bus driver may result in suspension or expulsion from riding the bus. If you have a complaint for unsafe bus driving, please call 931-684-1500.
Parents should NOT start a third lane of traffic until all of the buses have gotten into place. All students must be picked up in the afternoons by 2:45 P.M.. Students are not to cross traffic lanes without an adult. Vehicles not obeying the traffic laws and patterns will be reported to the police department. The safety of our students is a constant concern. Please note that the traffic pattern is ONE WAY, with the entrance is at the south and the exit at the north end of the driveway. Follow this pattern when driving on campus. Also, do not park in unauthorized areas.
Please send a written note when there is a change in the child's mode of transportation (someone new picking him/her up or a change from car rider to bus rider). Please be specific in your information. If a child has routinely been a bus rider, he/she will not be allowed to become a car rider unless you send a note to that effect. If a bus rider must get off at a different stop than normal, the child must have a note also. Limit these changes. They are very confusing to young children.
All visitors to the school, including parents/guardians, must report to the office upon entering the building by law in Tennessee. Visitors must sign-in in the office, and a visitor's badge must be worn and visible at all times. It is our policy not to allow extended classroom visitation during the regular school day. We ask your cooperation in this matter. We request that you do not interrupt the teacher during visits, but we do encourage you to make an appointment to talk with a teacher at any time. Instructional time will be protected. Teachers cannot conference with parents during instructional time as they are responsible for providing instruction to the entire class.
Parents and other people important to a student may want to attend special programs and field days. During special event days, visitors will be asked to sign in and to wear a nametag that identifies them as visitors at all times. This helps us ensure the safety of our students. Any adult on the school campus must sign in and wear a badge or will be escorted off the school grounds.
Parents wishing to drop off items for students should bring them to the office- not to the classroom. Parents picking up children for an appointment should also come to the office to check the student out and should not go directly to the classroom. The main door is the only door open for parent use. We want to encourage parents to come to school, but we are also very concerned about reducing interruptions and ensuring the safety of your child.
If it should become necessary to withdraw your child from school, parents will need to come to the school office to fill out a Withdrawal Notice as soon as possible. The child's permanent records will be sent upon written request from the new school. Records will not be sent until all financial obligations are paid and all books returned to the school.
The Bedford County Board of Education has adopted the following policies. These are available upon request in the principal's office and the Board of Education.
1. Policy 6.304 - Discrimination/Harassment & Bullying/Intimidation of Students
2. Policy 4.5021 - Family Engagement Policy
3. Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
4. Acceptable Use Policy
5. Policy 4.200 Broad - 4.201 - Student Curriculum
6. Policy 6.604 - Media Access to Students
Photographs, video, and sound are a part of a school setting. Any published media will serve to educate students, promote the school or system, spotlight activities, and/or reward student work. Published work may not be limited to, but may include: school newspapers or newsletters, agendas, system calendars, yearbooks, and/or school and system websites. Safety will always be at the forefront of anything published. Care will be taken to exclude identifying student information in any published digital format. A parent has the right to request in writing removal of any published media involving a child, and the media will be removed promptly.
If permission is not granted, please notify your child's teacher or principal immediately to obtain, complete, and submit a written notification of refusal for media publication of student.
As a parent of a student you have the right to:
1. Inspect and review education records within 45 days of receipt of request;
2. Request amendment of education records that you might find to be inaccurate;
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records with the exception of school official.
4. The right to file a complaint with the Family Compliance Office (FPCO) at Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,Washington, DC 20202-4605
Notice to parents: Student education records, including disciplinary records, are forwarded to other schools that have requested the records and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll.
The Bedford County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status in the provision of education opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits.
The Bedford County School System does not discriminate on the basis of sex or handicap in the education programs and activities, pursuant to the requirements of Titles VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Public Law 93-112, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, respectively. This policy extends to both employment by and enrollment of the School System.
Inquiries concerning Title VII, Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should be directed to Carol Smith c/o Bedford County Board of Education, 500 Madison Street, Shelbyville, TN 37160. Telephone (931) 684-3284.
In order to meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind [Section 1111(h)(6)] concerning parents' right to know, you are formally being notified that as a parent of a child attending a Title I school you may request information regarding your child's teacher, including, at a minimum: (1) whether the teacher has met the State requirements for licensure and certification for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; (2) whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; (3) the college major and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and (4) whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications.
The Bedford County School affirms that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI states:
No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Anyone who believes that the school system has discriminated against them or another individual may file a complaint. The complaint should be sent to:
Title VI Coordinator and/or Title VI Coordinator
Bedford County School System Tennessee Department of Education
500 Madison Street Gateway Plaza
Shelbyville, TN 37160 Nashville, TN
Answers to many questions and much helpful information may be obtained from the following:
State Department of Education Support and Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP)TN Voices for Children Middle Tennessee
6th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower 712 Professional Plaza 1315 8th Avenue South
710 James Robertson Parkway Greeneville, TN 37745 (615) 269-7751
Nashville, TN 37243-0375 (615) 463-2310 Nashville, TN 37203 Fax: (615) 269-8914 http://www.state.tn.us/education/ [email protected] http://www.tnstep.org/ TN Toll Free (800) 670-9882
www.tnvoices.org/main.htm/ E-mail: [email protected]
Under the Tennessee State Board of Education's Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district.
Additional information regarding this option may be obtained by contacting the Title IV Director. Telephone (931) 684-3284.
Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct on the bus will result in the privilege being denied. The bus is an extension of the school, and the same conduct is expected on the bus during the school day. Bus students are to go to the bus as soon as they are dismissed from school in the afternoon. Bus regulations are stated below.
1. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom. 6. Do not smoke or use tobacco products.
2. Be courteous; use no profane language. 7. Do not be destructive.
3. Do not eat or drink on the bus. 8. Stay in your seat.
4. Keep the bus clean. 9. Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus.
5. Cooperate with the driver. 10. Sit in seats assigned by the driver or principal.
The bus driver shall report continued minor violations in writing to the school principal or his designee. The school administrator will notify the student and parent in writing that another violation shall result in a 5-10 day suspension from riding the bus. Each subsequent violation shall result in an additional suspension. Multiple minor offenses shall constitute a major violation, and students become subject to permanent removal from riding any bus.
In the case of a major violation, the bus driver shall report this to the appropriate school administrator immediately. Following proper investigation and findings, a major violation shall result in immediate suspension from riding the bus for not less than 10 days. The second major offense shall result in suspension from riding a bus for one calendar year.
Each classroom may participate in celebrations during the school year. These parties are at the teacher's or grade level team discretion. The social development of the student is a part of the desired educational experience. If you wish your child to be excused from participating, please notify your child's teacher. Invitations to personal parties cannot be given out at school.
Sending flowers, balloons, presents, etc. to school for birthdays and special occasions is not permitted. Items will not be delivered to the child but held in the front office until dismissal. This is due to numerous allergies. Students cannot take these items home on the bus.
Birthdays may be celebrated by bringing a special snack or pencil for each child in the room. Snacks may be served at snack time or during lunch. Please contact the teacher for correct numbers and to check the schedule.
Students should be clean and well groomed. Clothing or hairstyles considered to be distracting, disruptive, or detrimental to the learning environment will be in violation of the dress code and will be addressed by the Principal.
1. Shoes should be worn at all times. For safety purposes, it is recommended that students wear shoes similar to tennis shoes.
2. Shorts or skirts must be at least as long as the student's extended fingertips.
The following are considered in violation of the dress code and are considered an interruption to the educational process:
a. Bizarre hair colors or makeup
b. Sunglasses, hats, or head apparel (except for religious or medical reasons)
c. Shirts, blouses, or dresses that show a bare midriff, back, or chest during normal daily activities (this includes tank tops spaghetti string tops, strapless, and halter tops)
d. Any clothing which allows undergarments to be visible while standing or sitting
e. Sagging pants
f. Clothing with vulgar, profane, subversive language or symbols
g. Clothing with racial or ethnic slurs/symbols
h. Clothing with depictions of alcoholic beverages or any unlawful substances
i. Jeans with intentional holes are not allowed.
Names should be placed in coats, sweaters, and other articles taken off at school for identification purposes. All students must wear shoes at all times. Parents should stress to children never to wear another student's hat or coat and never to share combs or hairbrushes.
Students who are in violation of the code will contact their parents. Parents will be asked to bring appropriate clothing. If a parent cannot be contacted, alternative clothing will be found. If alternative clothing cannot be located, the student will be placed in an area away from other students for the rest of the day to complete their work.
Students should be in the hall only at the beginning and end of the school day or between classes when they have special permission or specific duties that require them to be there. Hallway rules are stated below. Specifics will be reviewed with students.
1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Ready
Homework is assigned for the purpose of reinforcing the student's class work. The assignment is to be completed on time. Teachers will attempt to limit work to a reasonable period with the addition of reading library books. Special assignments will be made from time to time that will be completed over an extended period of time. Assignments for students who are absent should be picked up at the end of the day or secured from other classmates to avoid disruption to the classroom. Please call the school office in advance so that we may have the assignments ready.
Please set up a regular schedule at home each night for the purpose of doing homework. A regular schedule and place will help your child with the homework routine and will aid your child in future years in developing good study habits. If your child is experiencing many problems with his/her homework or is spending an excessive amount of time completing homework, please contact his/her teacher.
Students should never bring personal items, large amounts of money or expensive toys, radios, jewelry, etc. to school. These cause a distraction in the classroom and may be damaged or stolen. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to objects. Students may not sell or trade items on school property. Also, students are not allowed to bring knives, firecrackers, matches, water pistols, cap guns, or other articles distracting and dangerous to the student's safety and welfare. These items will be confiscated and will not be returned to the student.
Students are not permitted to bring bottled or canned carbonated drinks to school at all. Students are not allowed to chew gum at school.
Student honors are awarded on a class-by-class basis and are decided by the teacher unless otherwise indicated.
Eakin Elementary School
Parental Involvement Policy: Eakin Elementary School believes positive parental involvement is essential to achieve maximum social, emotional, and academic growth and encourages participation of parents in all aspects of their child's education. Parent education opportunities are provided in collaboration with federal programs. Parents are notified about these opportunities through school flyers and notices. These notices are sent home in English and Spanish.
Eakin Elementary School will:
* Convene an annual meeting that will encourage and facilitate parent attendance for the purpose of informing parents about the school-wide program and Title I requirements and offerings.
Eakin Elementary School invites all parents to an annual meeting to explain the School-wide Title I Plan. Included in the agenda will be benefits and activities, federal guidelines, and the role, rights and responsibilities of all parents in the education of their children. Rights to know the qualifications of their child's teacher, if that teacher is highly qualified, and notified if their child is taught by a paraprofessional is explained. Title I is addressed at every parent training. Unique challenges of ELL families are recognized. Parents are notified at the annual Title I meeting that the Need/Evaluation survey is an excellent opportunity to make comments and suggestions for program improvement. A comment section is provided for narrative response.
* Involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning review and improvement of the school-wide program
> Parents are members of the TSIP Advisory Committee and are integral in the development of the TSIP which includes the
Parental Involvement Plan.
> Involve parents in the development of the Parent Involvement Plan.
> Provide opportunity for information and decision making at parent meetings.
> Administer a Parent Needs/Evaluation survey annually seeking input about the effectiveness of the overall school-wide program
and parental involvement plan. The information compiled is used along with other data in the comprehensive needs assessment
to determine the overall effectiveness of the school-wide program and the parental involvement plan.
Provide parents timely information about programs, curriculum, assessments, and achievement expectations; if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to review and assist in improving student progress. This will be accomplished through our school calendar, class newsletters, e-mails, telephone calls, school website, and conference.
* After the school has compiled the data for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment, the Parent Needs/Evaluation surveys are submitted to the Central Office. The data is then combined with the other Parent Needs/Evaluation Surveys from the other Title I schools to determine system-wide needs. To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among Eakin Elementary, parents and the community that enhances student academic achievement, we:
* Shall provide parents with opportunities to understand state academic and achievement standards, state and local assessments and student progress through conferences, and annual Title I meeting, periodic parent meetings that are held during the day and in the evening at which time the school will explain how to understand the State School Report Card, student progress reports, and student report cards.
* Shall provide opportunity to train parents, faculty, staff and principals on the continuous partnership for improved student achievement
> Embedded professional development for all faculty and staff
> Shall educate faculty and staff through in-service opportunities of the importance of working with parents as equal partners to build ties between parents and the school with embedded professional development, subject-level meetings, and grade-level meetings.
* Shall coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs/activities through system-wide supported programs to the extent feasible and appropriate.
* Shall work with local businesses and community agencies to develop partnerships with student and school recognition programs.
Shall ensure, to the extent possible, that information sent home is in a parent friendly language that can be understood.